Best location for car sharing

About the pilot

TRANGO is a service developed by the Agilia Center R&D team under the umbrella of the ARTICONF project and supported by the EGI-ACE project. Agilia Center is a software factory that offers a catalogue of development services. Their expertise in open-source software technologies allows us to offer ad-hoc solutions to different sectors. in the latest years, the company has especially focused on the logistic sector, providing solutions to improve mobility in our cities.

With TRANGO, Agilia wants to address city mobility problems:

  • Reduce the number of circulating cars in a city
  • Efficency in the use of parking lots and vehicles
  • Decrease the CO2 emissions by increasing the number of the occupants in a vehicle (car pooling)
  • Improving the adoption of new vehicle’s innovations with a faster fleet renewal

TRANGO provides a platform that combines carsharing with the ridesharing model within a social network to facilitate the interactions among users and their communication with service administrators. This service provides transparency between car owners, drivers and passengers who want to hire the vehicle, adding some benefits to the owners and to and to passengers and drivers. A demand prediction functionality for each city suggests locations to car owners or fleet administrators to improve their revenues. Additionally, an incentivisation service offers escrow and price discounts based on user behaviour and selects travel partners based on their reputation.


How did TRANGO become involved with EOSC DIH?

Through ARTICONF (Grant Agrreement No 825134). A collaboration between both projects and coordinators came up

What services were used?

The use of the infrastructure for our pilot for a year.

We have also partcipated in the EGI conference in 2021 and in regular meetings on Fridays, sharing discussions with other pilots

About the experience of working with EOSC DIH and the value of EOSC for the pilot

“A very positive experience, especially as an innovation hub we found it very interesting and stimulating to understand other business models and innovative solutions that can be applied to our sector/solutions.”

“As Cloud provider, eventhough we could not use the resouces due to tehcnical issues, the use of these resources allows the testing of differnt solutions ate the same time, incresing the number of concurrent market tests.”

“As Innovation Hub, we found a great value sharing information and discussion among different pilots and interest in a wide diversoity of fields.”

What’s next? 

In the next phase we will adapt the service to the market since new challenges have been discovered in the last year, specially in the use of cryptocurrency and in the city electric mobility

Business Partner


Supporting project

Trango (pdf)