Improvement performance testing and validation

About the Pilot

STARTUP RADAR (SR) is Linknovate’s latest R&D venture.

Linknovate provides an “innovation search engine” to R&D and strategic divisions of different king of organisations. They have incorporated and structured more heterogeneous data sources than any other solution (publications, patents, funding data, specialised news, web monitoring…), allowing clients to collectively monitor these “innovation signals.” This translates into time savings and improved internal communication.

In this regard, the enrichment of their datasets with thousands (or millions) of additional scientific publications should boost the scouting capabilities of users cross-industry.

STARTUP RADAR datasets need to be enhanced, the data and platform should be improved through the curation of private organisation’s data.

Almost 90K profiles in the Linknovate database were improved.


The pilot made use of the OpenAIRE Graph to enrich the existing data through deduplication, profile enrichement, location information, organisation IDs, and scientific publications. OpenAIRE Monitor, built on the Graph, was used for advanced data analytics and the OpenAIRE team provided technical feedback.

Business Partner

EOSC Service provider

Supporting Project